Hamilton-Ferrari Shift Alters Sports History, Media Says

Lewis Hamilton has signed with Ferrari for the 2025 season, a move that has been met with excitement and seen as a historic change in racing, with international media highlighting his long-standing fascination with the team and the potential for him to become a legend by winning with Ferrari.


‣ Lewis Hamilton’s move to Ferrari for the 2025 season marks a significant moment in racing history, as highlighted by international media.

‣ The transfer is seen as a fulfillment of Hamilton’s long-held fascination with Ferrari, a team that has attracted numerous legendary drivers over the decades.

‣ Hamilton’s decision to join Ferrari, despite a successful tenure with Mercedes, underscores his ambition to become an absolute legend by winning an eighth title with the iconic team.

‣ The partnership between Hamilton and Charles Leclerc at Ferrari is anticipated to bring a new level of glamour, intrigue, and attention to Formula One.

Lewis Hamilton’s move to Ferrari is the buzz of the town since February 1. Yep, the seven-time world champion is joining forces with the most iconic F1 team starting 2025. It’s a twist that’s got everyone talking.

The Corriere della Sera spilled the beans first. They were all over it by Thursday, painting a picture of an unstoppable wave. By 8.21pm, the news hit like a tidal wave. Just two lines in a press release, but oh, what monumental lines they were. “Lewis Hamilton in Ferrari,” they said. It’s like the earth shifted a bit, didn’t it?

But here’s the kicker. Hamilton’s still got a “strange year” to go with Mercedes. Yet, it seems his heart’s already racing in Maranello. The Corriere’s send-off? “Welcome Sir Lewis, although the future can wait.” Classic.

Then there’s the Gazzetta dello Sport, barely containing its glee. They get why Hamilton’s making the leap. It’s the allure of the ‘red car,’ a siren call that’s tempted legends like Prost, Schumacher, and Alonso. Despite Maranello’s title drought since 2007, clinching a win with Ferrari would be the cherry on top for Hamilton. The Gazzetta’s dreaming big – Hollywood big.

The Daily Mail’s take? Not as shocked as you’d think. Ferrari’s been a long-time obsession for Hamilton, lurking in the shadows of his career. So when the chance came knocking, despite his ties to Mercedes and Toto Wolff, Hamilton was ready to jump ship. It’s not disloyalty; it’s the drive of a champion, tough as nails.

With Hamilton teaming up with Charles Leclerc, the Daily Mail’s predicting a storm of glamour, headlines, and intrigue. It’s a pairing that’s got Liberty Media, F1’s American overlords, probably rubbing their hands in glee. Netflix couldn’t have scripted it any better.

Albert Ramirez
Albert Ramirez
Albert Ramirez is a senior writer at F1Highlights.com. With a passion for motorsports, Albert brings a unique perspective to the world of Formula One. With over five years of experience as a sports reporter, he has honed his skills in capturing the essence of the sport.

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