Jordan Becomes Newey’s Manager: Lips Sealed

Eddie Jordan praises Red Bull Racing’s high performance as a private team in Formula 1, despite using different engine suppliers over the years, and reflects on his unsuccessful attempt to sign Adrian Newey, highlighting Newey’s significant yet humble impact on the sport and their close personal friendship.


‣ Eddie Jordan highlights the remarkable achievement of Red Bull Racing as a ‘private team’ in maintaining high performance levels in Formula 1 over a long period, attributing part of their success to a strong team unity and family-like atmosphere created under Dieter Mateschitz’s leadership.

‣ Jordan discusses the challenges and successes of Red Bull Racing’s engine partnerships over the years, including their transitions from Renault to Honda, and the upcoming switch to Ford, praising the team’s ability to adapt and continue achieving great results despite not being a factory team.

‣ Eddie Jordan reveals his past attempt to sign Adrian Newey for his own Formula One team, including leaving a cheque for half a million at Newey’s house, showcasing the high regard and value placed on Newey’s design capabilities within the F1 community.

‣ Jordan, acting as both Newey’s manager and friend, shares insights into Newey’s character and their close relationship, including spending significant time together cycling and discussing various matters, while also maintaining discretion about Newey’s future plans and decisions.

Eddie Jordan’s got a point. He reckons it’s pretty impressive how Red Bull Racing, being a “private team,” has kept up its top game in Formula 1 for ages. Now, with the team kinda unraveling, Jordan thinks there might be reasons for that. On the podcast “Formula For Success,” he dives into Adrian Newey’s exit from Red Bull, his own past efforts to snag Newey, and what’s next for his client.

It’s all about the vibe at Red Bull, according to Jordan. Despite its size, there’s this family feel that’s central to everything. Remember Dieter Mateschitz? Under his watch, that family atmosphere thrived. Despite being a bit on the shy side, Mateschitz had a huge impact on the team’s dynamics, Jordan notes.

Now, Red Bull Racing isn’t tied to a single car manufacturer, which is kinda their thing. They’ve hopped from Renault to Honda, and now there’s chatter about Ford. Jordan is all praises for the team’s adaptability, especially folks like Adrian and Christian who’ve really stuck it out. “Staying unified under such pressure? That’s no small feat,” he adds, tipping his hat to the team’s resilience.

### Jordan wanted to sign Newey himself

So, about Adrian Newey. The guy’s never been part of Jordan’s F1 lineup, but not for lack of trying. Jordan reminisces about that one time he tried to woo Newey with a hefty cheque, hoping to bring him on board at Jordan. Alas, Newey chose McLaren instead.

Newey’s genius is undeniable, yet he’s pretty down-to-earth. “Give him a pencil, and he’s a wizard. Without it, just a regular, unassuming guy,” Jordan muses. As for Newey’s next moves, Jordan wishes him the best, keeping it vague but supportive.

Jordan’s not just Newey’s manager; they’re tight. “We’re practically joined at the hip,” he jokes, talking about their regular cycling trips and daily catch-ups in Cape Town. They’re neighbors, sharing secrets and silent understandings. But when it comes to spilling the beans on Newey’s future? Jordan’s lips are sealed. “Not a word from me,” he insists, keeping us all guessing.

Albert Ramirez
Albert Ramirez
Albert Ramirez is a senior writer at With a passion for motorsports, Albert brings a unique perspective to the world of Formula One. With over five years of experience as a sports reporter, he has honed his skills in capturing the essence of the sport.

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