Sainz Announces Ferrari Departure, Future Updates Coming

Carlos Sainz announced his departure from Scuderia Ferrari at the end of 2024 following Lewis Hamilton‘s arrival, hinting at a future announcement regarding his career with possibilities including Audi, which enters Formula 1 in 2026, and potentially Mercedes.


‣ Lewis Hamilton’s move to Ferrari leads to Carlos Sainz’s departure from the team, with Sainz confirming the split at the end of 2024 via social media.

‣ Sainz commits to giving his best for Ferrari and its fans for the remaining season, with future plans to be announced later.

‣ Speculation surrounds Sainz’s next move, with Audi—a newcomer to Formula 1 in 2026—and possibly Mercedes, being considered as future teams for him, given his history with Red Bull and McLaren.

Well, folks, it’s happening. Lewis Hamilton’s making a beeline for Ferrari. And yep, you guessed it – that spells a big ol’ goodbye for Carlos Sainz from the Scuderia team. He took to his socials to spill the beans.

In a rather somber tweet, Sainz goes, “Following today’s news, Scuderia Ferrari and myself will part ways at the end of 2024.” But hey, don’t go feeling too sorry for him just yet. He’s still got his game face on. “We still have a long season ahead of us and, like always, I will give my absolute best for the Team and for the Tifosi all around the world.” And for those nosy folks wondering about his next move? “News about my future will be announced in due course,” he teases.

Now, onto the juicy gossip – Sainz to Audi? Rumor has it, he’s been eyeing Audi, which, by the way, is jumping into the Formula 1 frenzy come 2026. But hold your horses; there’s a twist. Mercedes might just be flirting with the idea of snagging the Spaniard, who’s no stranger to the F1 circuit, having had stints with Red Bull and McLaren.

And for the social media sleuths out there, Sainz dropped this bombshell on Twitter, complete with a link to his post. You know, just in case you thought it was all hearsay.

So, what’s next for Sainz? Only time will tell. But one thing’s for sure – the F1 carousel never stops spinning.

Albert Ramirez
Albert Ramirez
Albert Ramirez is a senior writer at With a passion for motorsports, Albert brings a unique perspective to the world of Formula One. With over five years of experience as a sports reporter, he has honed his skills in capturing the essence of the sport.

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