Steiner Announces Work on Second Book Currently Underway

Former Haas team boss Guenther Steiner, who gained fame in motorsport partly due to the show Drive to Survive, is working on his second book following his departure from the team.


‣ Guenther Steiner, former team boss at Haas, is working on his second book after the success of his first one, Surviving to Drive.
‣ Steiner’s popularity in motorsport has increased due to his appearance in the series Drive to Survive.
‣ Despite leaving Haas, Steiner continues to be active in the motorsport world, dedicating time to his book project.
‣ Some fans have speculated that Steiner’s increased fame may have contributed to his departure from Haas.

Guenther Steiner, the former boss of Haas, isn’t exactly twiddling his thumbs post-departure. Thanks to the hit series Drive to Survive, he’s become a motorsport icon. He’s been with Haas since 2014, and his fame has only grown. He’s even got a book under his belt, Surviving to Drive, which hit the shelves in May 2023. But at 58, he’s not ready to close the book on… well, books.

Steiner’s Second Book: A Work in Progress

Steiner spilled the beans to “We’re working on book number two,” he said. Apparently, it was in the pipeline even before his departure. “The plot might take a bit of a twist now,” he added, a hint of excitement in his voice. He’s enjoyed collaborating with the writer, describing him as a “cool dude” and their sessions as “good fun.”

“No pressure, everything flowed naturally,” Steiner explained. He’s got more time on his hands now, but he’s still only committing to two half-hour sessions a week. “We meet on Tuesdays and Fridays. That’s my part, he handles the rest,” the ex-Haas boss concluded.

Did Steiner’s Stardom Cost Him His Job?

Steiner’s popularity skyrocketed, in part due to Drive to Survive. When news broke that he was leaving Haas, some fans speculated. Had his star status become a burden for the American owner?

Albert Ramirez
Albert Ramirez
Albert Ramirez is a senior writer at With a passion for motorsports, Albert brings a unique perspective to the world of Formula One. With over five years of experience as a sports reporter, he has honed his skills in capturing the essence of the sport.

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