Understanding the Man’s Topic of Discussion

Oliver Mintzlaff, Red Bull GmbH’s managing director, criticized Toto Wolff for trying to recruit Max Verstappen to Mercedes, a move Wolff downplayed by questioning Mintzlaff’s relevance to his decisions.


‣ Oliver Mintzlaff, the managing director of Red Bull GmbH, rarely gives interviews but recently spoke to Bild, stating that Toto Wolff should stop attempting to lure Max Verstappen to Mercedes.

‣ Toto Wolff, the team boss of Mercedes, has expressed interest in having Max Verstappen join his team as a successor to Lewis Hamilton, despite acknowledging Verstappen’s current superior position at Red Bull.

‣ Wolff believes Verstappen, being the most coveted driver at the moment, should make his own decisions regarding his career, hinting at a possible stay with Red Bull until at least 2025.

‣ In response to Mintzlaff’s comments, Wolff dismissed them, indicating that Mintzlaff’s opinions are irrelevant to him and his plans.

Oliver Mintzlaff isn’t the type to spill his thoughts in long chats. You’d rarely catch the Red Bull GmbH bigwig yapping away with journalists. But, oh, last week was different. Out of the blue, he sat down with Bild, thanks to a nudge from the higher-ups. Not from the racing team, mind you. And boy, did he have a bone to pick with Toto Wolff.

Mintzlaff’s beef? He’s tired of Wolff trying to lure Max Verstappen to Mercedes. Like, really tired.

Now, Wolff, the Austrian head honcho, hasn’t been shy about his dream. He imagines Verstappen filling Lewis Hamilton’s mega shoes. But here’s the kicker: Verstappen’s riding high in the best car of the F1 circus. Why would he ditch that for a Mercedes struggling to crack the top five?

“If it were me,” Wolff mused in Miami, “I wouldn’t budge. Not till 2025, at least. But hey, it’s Max’s call. He’s the golden boy, the top dog. His move. Or maybe he’ll stay put. That’d be a win for us too.”

Wolff Brushes Off Mintzlaff’s Jab

Mintzlaff’s pretty sure Verstappen’s not jumping ship. And he wishes Wolff would zip it about snagging Verstappen. Wolff’s comeback? “Who’s this guy again?” A beat. “Right, whatever he says, doesn’t matter to me.”

In this tango of words, it’s clear. The lines are drawn, and the F1 world watches, popcorn in hand. Will Verstappen stay, or will Wolff’s charm offensive pay off? Only time will tell.

Albert Ramirez
Albert Ramirez
Albert Ramirez is a senior writer at F1Highlights.com. With a passion for motorsports, Albert brings a unique perspective to the world of Formula One. With over five years of experience as a sports reporter, he has honed his skills in capturing the essence of the sport.

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